CodingWorld & CerdaNews A popular Sponcer Site
This game is really great! I really would give it 4/5 Stars. The only problem is, I wish it was like RS. Where you got the tabs so the Chat is not taking up some of the space. So far, I like this game better then RuneScape. THe Reviews:
Url for HomePage: AND TO download: And finnaly its forums:
Game Play: @@@@@Grapics: @@@@ Controls: @@ Its ard to navigate with the chat and menu in the way!OverRall @@@@ 8.9%Its a really great game! If you want to compare with RuneScapeL Heres it is RuneScape 6.8%Wonderlan 8.7%
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Copyright Kaelan, and Lucas Anderson.CerdaNews and Codingworld.